Date Night: Sleep Under The Stars
Star light, star bright, will you sleep under the stars with me tonight?
Lure your lover and immerse yourself in the infinite space between us and the universe. Cuddle up and enjoy the twinkles of the night sky being sent to us from thousands of light years away!
As with all our date night cards, if you feel inspired to make this memory with your friends, family or even alone, it would bring us so much joy to see them shared with everyone you love!
Friends: Snacks, stars and sidekicks - lay under the universe with your best friends and look up at the infinite galaxy above. Light a campfire, roast some marshmallows and make memories with your mates.
Family: Ready to build memories with your family that will last a lifetime? Lay down the coziest of blankets and some soft pillows to rest your heads and snuggle up under the constellations lighting up the night sky.
Solo: If there is the perfect place to dream- lying under the universe surely has to make the top ten. Get yourself a cozy blanket, bring the pillows and the chocolate, lay under the night sky and soak in the serenity of space.