Royal Alcázar of Seville
The Alcázar of Seville, also known as al-Qasr al-Muriq, is the royal palace of King Peter of Castile in Seville, Spain. Seville's royal palace is a fascinating blend of Christian and Mudéjar architecture; construction on this masterpiece started in 913, and adjustments were made to the original structure for over 11 centuries. The magnificent Palacio de Don Pedro has so far been the highlight of the palace, and it was even featured on the hit TV series the Game of Thrones!
Visitors to the complex enter through the Puerta del León or Lion Gate, leading to the Patio del León decorated with arches, Mudéjar plasterwork, and ceiling beams interlaced with decorations. You can also check out the Patio de la Montería, Cuarto Real Alto, the Palacio Gótico, and the gardens. The buildings have inscriptions in both Spanish and Arabic on stunningly beautiful ceilings. Visit the Cuarto del Príncipe, the Salón de Embajadores and the Patio de las Muñecas. The gardens are also open for visitors to explore with its pools, fountains, and patios. There's so much to experience on any given trip to the Alcázar of Seville.