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The Valley Of The King's Burial Chambers

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The Valley Of The King's Burial Chambers

By On 06 Nov 2021

It's no news that when you visit Egypt you will find out why it is famous for its pyramids, magnificent tombs, burial sites, and all the ancient artifacts and treasures that come with it. The Valley of the Kings is as exciting as the rest of Egypt, if not more. The valley became a burial site for kings and queens during the New Kingdom from 1539-1075 B.C. Pharaoh’s such as Tutankhamun, Ramses II, and Seti I used the valley as a royal burial ground.

The beautifully painted tombs are still visible today. The tombs were cut from limestone rock, the walls were decorated with sculptures and enigmatic murals depicting scenes from the everyday lives of these kings and queens. These chambers used to be filled with all kinds of treasures believed to be useful in the next life.

The Valley of the Kings is found in the ancient city of Thebes, on the west bank of river Nile, near Luxor and away from prying eyes. Some of the tombs have not yet been excavated and others are still hidden. Underneath these tombs you can find underground mausoleums with hidden treasures. One of the famous tombs that have been found in the Valley of the Kings is the tomb of Tutankhamun, the boy king.
The valley is an archeological gold mine, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and a must see for anyone who is interested in ancient Egyptian history.

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